Created Date:
30 May 2022

Carey Olsen and Oakbridge support Phillip Street Partners on launch of new crypto macro fund

Carey Olsen and Oakbridge Fund Services (Oakbridge) recently advised the regulated Singapore investment manager Phillip Street Partners on the launch of PSP Digital Macro Fund Limited (the Fund).

The Fund's aim is to deliver uncorrelated absolute returns across multiple asset classes, including digital assets. It is structured as a Jersey limited company and established as a Jersey Private Fund, with the potential to upgrade to a Jersey Expert Fund in the future.

Kok Lee Sit of Phillip Street Partners commented: "It is indeed a pleasure working with true professionals at Carey Olsen and Oakbridge Fund Services. Digital assets are, without a doubt, going mainstream and here to stay."

The Carey Olsen Jersey team comprised corporate partner Chris Griffin and senior associate Sophie Hancock, while the Carey Olsen Singapore team was led by senior associate Susan McKinstray, with assistance from associate Eng How Cheow.

Susan said: "This was an incredibly interesting cross-jurisdictional fund launch to advise on and is further evidence of the growing attractiveness of Jersey as a funds domicile for Singapore managers in the crypto and digital assets space."

The Jersey Private Fund has become a popular structure for fund managers globally with the ability to access investors worldwide.

The Oakbridge team is acting as designated service provider and in doing so provides administration and compliance services to the Fund. The Oakbridge team was led by Robin Wilson who added: "We were delighted to support Phillip Street Partners on the launch of their new fund.  The digital assets sector is emerging with the potential for strong growth.

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