Profile image for James Noble

James Noble



Head of Litigation, Insolvency and Restructuring, Asia


"The lead partner and head of dispute resolution at Carey Olsen – has tremendous legal acumen (never loses the big picture vision but is disarmingly on top of the detail as well) – beloved by his clients."

Legal 500 Asia

"James Noble is quite simply the best of the best. James possesses that rare combination in a team leader of great legal insight, great leadership skills and a frightening eye for detail."

Legal 500 Asia

"James Noble is the leading offshore practitioner in Singapore."

Chambers Asia

"His extensive knowledge of the law, strategic acumen and leadership skills set him far above others."

Chambers and Partners

"An outstanding team leader, able to integrate a high level awareness of his clients’ commercial objectives with an uncanny oversight of what the most junior associate, or busiest London silk, is doing to deliver the results needed for a positive outcome. Always calm in a tough and highly competitive environment."

Legal 500 Asia



Based in our Tier 1 ranked (Legal 500) Singapore office, James Noble TEP leads the litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Asia and the largest offshore litigation team in Singapore. James advises on Cayman, British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Bermuda law, and is the only Cayman and BVI admitted (and Bermuda registered) litigator in Singapore.

A specialist in complex and high profile multi-jurisdictional litigation, asset recovery, cross-border enforcement and insolvency, James has over 20 years' experience working in a wide variety of commercial disputes, many of which involve multi-billion dollar claims.

James regularly acts in market leading cases, particularly in connection with listed companies and has specialist expertise in appellate matters in both the Court of Appeal and the Privy Council. He is often instructed to give expert evidence on Cayman or BVI law in onshore proceedings before the Singapore and Hong Kong Courts.

James' expertise and insights are regularly sought after by the industry. He is frequently invited to speak at conferences and panel discussions and was part of the Main Organising Committee of INSOL San Diego. James is also the author of the 2023 textbook, "Commercial Litigation and Enforcement", published by The Global Legal Post.

Clients describe James as "quite simply the best of the best. James possesses that rare combination in a team leader of great legal insight, great leadership skills and a frightening eye for detail." He is also noted as "an outstanding team leader, able to integrate a high level awareness of his clients’ commercial objectives with an uncanny oversight of what the most junior associate, or busiest London silk, is doing to deliver the results needed for a positive outcome. Always calm in a tough and highly competitive environment."

詹诺倍律师 (James Noble) TEP 任职于凯瑞奥信获评《法律 500 强》(The Legal 500) 榜单第一梯队的新加坡办公室,是我们所的诉讼、破产和重组业务的亚洲主管,同时负责领导新加坡规模最大的离岸诉讼团队。詹诺倍律师针对开曼群岛、英属维尔京群岛 (BVI) 和百慕大提供法律服务,并且是新加坡唯一一位同时获得开曼群岛和英属维尔京群岛执业资格(并在百慕大注册)的诉讼律师。



詹诺倍律师的专业知识和见解经常受到业界的追捧。他经常受邀在各大论坛和研讨会中发言,也曾担任 INSOL 圣地亚哥主要组委会成员。詹诺倍律师也是The Global Legal Post出版的一本关于“商业诉讼与执行”的2023年度教材的作者。



James is a Fellow of INSOL International. He is also a registered foreign lawyer with the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC). He is an active contributor to the International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) and one of the first offshore law practitioners to be approved as a member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore (IPAS). He is also a full TEP member of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).


詹诺倍律师是国际破产协会 (INSOL International) 的Fellow级会员,也是新加坡国际商事法庭 (Singapore International Commercial Court,简称SICC) 的注册外国律师。詹诺倍律师也国际妇女破产和重组联合会 (International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation,简称IWIRC) 的活跃成员,更是首批获准成为新加坡破产从业者协会 (Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore,简称IPAS) 会员的离岸律师之一。詹诺倍律师同时也是信托与遗产执业者协会专业(The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)(STEP)的正式会员。

Awards and accolades


James is frequently recognised as one of the outstanding offshore litigators in Asia by market leading legal directories and publications. In particular, he is ranked consistently by Chambers Asia and is listed as a Leading Individual for the Offshore category in Singapore by The Legal 500 Asia. He has also been named in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Offshore Client Choice List and as one of the Top Offshore Litigators in Asia in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. In addition, James was recognised in the Top 50 Offshore Lawyers 2022 and 2024 by Asia Business Law Journal (ABLJ) as part of the publication's prestigious annual A-List series. James was also named as an expert in asset recovery by Who's Who Legal in its 2023 Southeast Asia guide. He was most recently recognised amongst premier online business news platform Business Today's Top 10 Influential Offshore Dispute Resolution Lawyers of Asia-Pacific for 2023.

诺倍律师经常以亚洲杰出离岸诉讼律师的身份荣登市场领先的名录和出版物,他更连续多年入选《钱伯斯亚太法律指南》榜单,并在《法律 500 强》亚太地区法律指南榜单的新加坡离岸律类别中荣膺领先律师称号。他还入选了《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business简称 ALB)的户首选离岸律师榜单”(Offshore Client Choice List),并分别于 2021 年、2022 年、2023 年、2024 年荣列同刊物甄选的亚洲最佳离岸诉讼律师。此外,詹诺倍律师亦获得了《亚洲商业法律期刊》(Asia Business Law Journal简称 ABLJ)的认可,并荣登其2022及2024 年度”离岸律 50 排行榜,此排行榜为该刊物著名的年度 A-List 法律精英榜单系列之一。他还被《法律名人录》(Who's Who Legal2023 年度东南亚指南评为资产追回专家。詹诺倍律师最近也入选为著名线平台《今日商Business Today)所发表的 2023 年太地区十大有影响力的离岸争解决律之一。

Legal 500 Asia Pacific - Leading Individual 2024
Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024 - James Noble
Chambers Global 2024 - James Noble
ABLJ Offshore Client Choice 2024
ALB Top Offshore Litigators 2024
ALB Badge 2023 - Top 10 Offshore Litigators
ALB Badge 2023 - Offshore Client Choice List
INSOL Fellow logo