Carey Olsen named Offshore Firm of the Year at Chambers High Net Worth Awards 2023
最新荣誉|凯瑞奥信荣获 2023 年钱伯斯高净值大奖年度离岸律师事务所
Carey Olsen has been named Offshore Firm of the Year at the Chambers High Net Worth Awards 2023 – the firm's third major awards win in less than two months.
The annual awards, which took place yesterday evening at The Grand in London, recognise a law firm's pre-eminence in key jurisdictions and reflect achievements over the past 12 months. National and international law firms across the world were awarded across 11 categories for their outstanding work, impressive strategic growth, and excellence in client service.
Partner and global head of Carey Olsen's trusts and private wealth practice, Keith Robinson, said: "It is an honour to be named as Offshore Firm of the Year at this year's Chambers High Net Worth Awards. Each of the teams across our global network strive to produce the best outcome for our clients and I am delighted that their hard work and dedication has been recognised in this way."
This accolade marks the third time Carey Olsen has been recognised as offshore law firm of the year in less than two months, after it was named best Offshore Law Firm at the 2023 eprivateclient Excellence Awards and Offshore Law Firm of the Year at the Chambers Europe Awards 2023.

Partner Patricia Montgomery collected the award on behalf of the firm.
凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 高兴宣布荣获 2023 年“钱伯斯高净值奖”年度离岸律师事务所,这是本所在不到两个月的时间内获得的第三个重大奖项。
年度颁奖典礼于2023年7月12日在伦敦大剧院举行,表彰了各律师事务所在各大司法管辖区的卓越表现,并回顾了过去 12 个月的成就。世界各地的国家和国际律师事务所凭借出色的工作表现、令人刮目相看的战略增长和卓越的客户服务,斩获 11 个类别的奖项。
凯瑞奥信合伙人兼信托和私人财富业务全球负责人 Keith Robinson 表示:“很荣幸获颁本年度‘钱伯斯高净值奖’年度离岸律师事务所。在我们的全球网络中,每个团队都致力于为客户带来最好的结果,他们的努力和奉献能得到这项大奖的认可,让我感到非常欣慰。”
这是凯瑞奥信在不到两个月的时间内第三次获评年度离岸律师事务所,前两次分别是 2023 年 eprivateclient 卓越奖最佳离岸律师事务所和 2023 年“钱伯斯欧洲奖”年度离岸律师事务所。
此外,在 2023年7月21日公布的2023 年度《钱伯斯高净值指南》中,凯瑞奥信的离岸信托和私人财富业务还获得好评,在百慕大、根西岛和泽西岛排名第一和在开曼群岛排名第二。同时,本所获推荐的律师也比其他任何离岸事务所来的多,意味着我们获业界认可为实力非凡的离岸律师事务所。
合伙人 Patricia Montgomery 代表事务所领奖。