Four Carey Olsen partners among ABLJ's Top 50 Offshore Lawyers 2022
四位凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 合伙人荣登 《亚洲商业法律期刊》2022 年度 50 强离岸律师排行榜
Partners from Carey Olsen's Hong Kong, Singapore and Bermuda offices have been recognised in the Top 50 Offshore Lawyers 2022 by Asia Business Law Journal (ABLJ) as part of the publication's prestigious annual A-List series.
Asia-based partners Anthony McKenzie (Singapore), James Noble (Singapore) and Michael Padarin (Hong Kong SAR) are joined on the Top 50 List by Michael Hanson of Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited. They were selected following extensive research conducted by ABLJ who talked to in-house counsel in Asia as well as partners of international and onshore law firms in the region to identify the standout lawyers in the offshore space.
Anthony McKenzie is the managing partner of the Carey Olsen's Singapore office. He has a broad range of experience in corporate and commercial and finance transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, secured and unsecured financing arrangements, preference share issues, IPOs and capital markets transactions. Client commentary for Anthony's nomination included: “Owing to his extensive experience, he is frequently able to give quick, concise and clear advice to complex issues, and his advice is always spot-on … As a seasoned offshore corporate lawyer in Southeast Asia, [Anthony] understands clients’ commercial considerations and readily offers suggestions on tax and other business issues”.
Michael Padarin is the managing partner of Carey Olsen's Hong Kong office. His practice primarily concentrates on the formation, operation and restructuring of private investment funds and their related fund sponsor vehicles. He also represents early and later stage companies in a range of industries in relation to private financings, listings, cross-border investments and other M&A transactions.
James Noble, who is based in Singapore, leads the firm's litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Asia. A specialist in complex and high value shareholder litigation, asset recovery, cross-border enforcement and insolvency, he has over 20 years' experience working in a wide variety of commercial, trust and estate disputes, and private wealth matters. Client commentary for James' nomination included: “James is an extremely dedicated lawyer who knows his craft. To top that off, he is an absolute pleasure to interact with”.
Michael Hanson is the managing partner of Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited. He specialises in human capital and regulatory law and advises some of the largest insurance and reinsurance, banks and professional services businesses in Bermuda. He also has significant expertise in multijurisdictional crisis management, corporate, employment and regulatory investigations, complex executive disputes and executive benefit and incentive programs.
Commenting on their Top 50 Offshore Lawyers recognition, Anthony McKenzie said: "We are delighted to be included in the 2022 A List. Carey Olsen's profile in Asia continues to grow and this recognition from Asia Business Law Journal is testament to our commitment to providing the highest levels of cross-border expertise and service to our clients in the region."
Carey Olsen has had a presence in Asia since 2015 when it launched its Singapore office followed by the opening of its Hong Kong office in 2016. The firm now has 28 fee earners split between both offices.
The Bermuda office has also grown considerably since its launch at the end of 2017, and now has a team of nearly 50 people working from its offices in Hamilton.
The full A-List can be viewed at Asia Business Law Journal.
本所驻亚洲合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie)(新加坡)、詹诺倍 (James Noble)(新加坡)和彭德贤 (Michael Padarin)(香港特别行政区)与凯瑞奥信百慕大有限公司的 Michael Hanson 一起荣登 50 强排行榜。他们经 ABLJ 与亚洲的公司法务以及国际和国内律师事务所的合伙人进行广泛深入调研后选出,用以确定离岸领域的精英律师。
詹诺倍常驻新加坡,负责本所在亚洲的诉讼、破产和重组业务。作为复杂和高价值股东诉讼、资产回收、跨境执行和破产方面的专家,他拥有 20 多年处理各种商业、信托和房地产纠纷以及私人财富事务的经验。客户对James提名的评论包括:“James是一位非常敬业的律师,且对自己的业务非常娴熟。最重要的是,与他互动绝对非常愉快。”
Michael Hanson 是凯瑞奥信百慕大有限公司的管理合伙人。他专注于人力资本和监管法律方面的业务,并为百慕大一些最大的保险和再保险、银行和专业服务企业提供法律服务。他还在跨司法管辖区的危机管理、企业、雇佣和监管调查、复杂的高管争议和高管福利与激励计划方面拥有丰富的专业知识。
在获认可为离岸律师 50 强时,麦安腾表示:“我们很高兴荣登 2022 年 A-List。凯瑞奥信在亚洲不断扩大的知名度以及本次获得《亚洲商业法律期刊》的认可,充分证明了我们致力于为亚洲客户提供最高水平的跨境专业知识和服务。”
凯瑞奥信自 2015 年在新加坡设立办公室以来一直在亚洲开展业务,并于 2016 年在香港设立了办公室。凯瑞奥信目前在这两个办公室共拥有 28 位律师。
本所的百慕大办公室自 2017 年底成立以来也获得了长足发展,且现有一个近 50 人的团队在位于哈密尔顿的办公室工作。