Created Date: 03 July 2024
创作日期03 July 2024

Six Carey Olsen partners named top offshore lawyers by Asia Business Law Journal

最新荣誉 | 凯瑞奥信参与的六项交易荣登《商法》年度杰出交易

Carey Olsen partners Michael Hanson JP (Bermuda), Jeremy Lightfoot and Michael Padarin (Hong Kong SAR), Chris Griffin (Jersey), Anthony McKenzie and James Noble TEP (Singapore) have been recognised in Asia Business Law Journal's ("ABLJ") prestigious Top 50 Offshore Lawyers list for 2024.

凯瑞奥信参与的六项交易荣登《商法》 2022年“年度杰出交易”榜单。其中四项属跨境交易类的代表性项目,一项入选最佳资本市场交易榜单,另一项被公认为是具有重大意义的争议与调查案件。 

The list identifies outstanding offshore legal professionals based on extensive research conducted by ABLJ, with nominations made by in-house counsel and other business and legal professionals at a wide range of global companies and law firms across the world.

Michael Hanson JP is Carey Olsen's group managing partner based in Bermuda. His core practice focuses on human capital and regulatory law where he advises the largest banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, and professional services businesses on the island. Michael has significant expertise in multijurisdictional crisis management, corporate, employment and regulatory investigations, complex executive disputes and executive benefit programmes. He is one of only two lawyers based in Bermuda to feature on the list.

Jeremy leads the firm's litigation, dispute resolution and insolvency practice in Hong Kong. He focuses on high value and complex commercial and corporate litigation, as well as insolvency and restructuring matters under the laws of Bermuda, the BVI and the Cayman Islands. Jeremy is recognised as a 'Leading Individual' by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific and has been named one of the Top 10 Offshore Litigators by Asian Legal Business for three consecutive years.

Michael Padarin works on the formation, operation and restructuring of offshore private investment funds, with his primary focus being private equity and venture capital funds. He regularly advises leading international firms on complex corporate transactions and is one of the most experienced offshore private equity specialists in Hong Kong, rated as 'Highly Regarded' for offshore private equity funds and investment funds by the IFLR1000.

Chris has broad experience of both general international corporate and funds work with expertise in private equity, hedge and digital asset funds. He advises on all aspects of fund and corporate transactions, including the legal and regulatory aspects of fund launches and joint ventures. Chris also leads the firm's digital assets practice and is ranked in Band 1 by Chambers and Partners FinTech in Jersey. He is the only partner based in the UK to star on ABLJ's list.

Anthony is managing partner of Carey Olsen's Singapore office and head of the firm's corporate practice in Asia, with a broad range of experience in offshore corporate, investment funds and finance transactions. A specialist in Cayman Islands, BVI and Bermuda law, Anthony is one of only two partners in Singapore admitted to practise in these three key offshore laws. He is ranked as a leading offshore lawyer by IFLR1000, Chambers Global, Chambers Asia Pacific and The Legal 500. Anthony's "legal expertise and strategic insights" on BVI fund formation have been commended as "indispensable" by Kudun and Partners as part of this year's list.

James heads the firm's litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Asia and leads the largest offshore litigation team in Singapore. He is the only Cayman Islands and BVI admitted (and Bermuda registered) litigation partner in Singapore, specialising in complex and high profile multi-jurisdictional litigation, asset recovery, cross-border enforcement and insolvency. James is the only Singapore-based litigation lawyer to feature on the list, is ranked by Chambers Asia and is recognised as a 'Leading Individual' by The Legal 500 Asia.

The Top 50 Offshore Lawyers list can be viewed in full at Asia Business Law Journal.

该年度榜单意旨表扬各律师事务所在 2022年期间参与具有行业领先意义的开创性交易。《商法》根据其整个年度对中国法律市场的独立观察和持续报道,选出交易名单。再由评审团就每项交易的重要性、复杂性、创新性以及规模方面表现突出的交易中挑选出最杰出的交易。 

本所入选的资本市场交易是为中国最大的太阳能组件制造商之一晶科能源 (JinkoSolar) 就其在上海证券交易所科创板上市并实现 14 亿美元的首次公开募股提供法律服务。此项目由凯瑞奥信团队香港特别行政区办公室合伙人彭德贤 (Michal Padarin) 和资深高级律师黄伟 (Eason Huang) 担任晶科能源的英属维尔京群岛 (BVI) 和开曼群岛的法律顾问,并与金杜律师事务所 (King & Wood Mallesons) 上海分所的首席境内律师合作为晶科能源提供法律服务。

在凯瑞奥信参与的获选跨境交易方面,其中一个项目为招商银行就设立价值 49 亿港元的员工激励计划提供开曼群岛法律服务。此项目由新加坡办公室管理合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie) 领导,资深高级律师麦舒珊 (Susan McKinstray)﹑严弘 (Maggie Yan) 律师和赵英豪 (Cheow Eng How) 律师协助,并与方达律师事务所合作完成。招银国际证券设立了“孤儿型特殊目的实体”(orphan SPV),以购买蒙牛发行、中银国际亚洲配售的可转换债券。作为合格境内机构投资者 (QDII) 计划的一部分,招银国际作为贷款行、原始贷方和代理行,向 Eaglets International Financial Products 发放了 38 亿港元贷款。 

另一项具有行业领先意义的跨境交易由香港办公室合伙人湛玮博 (James Webb) 和李典昭 (Calvin Lee) 律师负责。ESR Group Limited与华懋集团就此項目成立了合资企业,成功竞标在香港葵涌建立甲级冻仓储存和物流设施,而本所团队则负责为出资方提供法律服务。 

香港办公室管理合伙人彭德贤 (Michael Padarin) 表示:“对于凯瑞奥信香港和新加坡办公室而言,2022 年是别具意义亦无比忙碌的一年。我们为能够就这六项各具特色且复杂的获选交易提供法律服务而感到非常自豪。我们在众多业务领域所具备的专业知识能够以这种方式得到认可和称赞,这使我们欣喜万分。这些获选交易体现了我们亚洲各个团队的强大实力和敬业精神。”


  • 晶科能源100亿元科创板IPO
  • 华懋与ESR建立冻仓合资公司
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在获此殊荣之前,凯瑞奥信新加坡办公室管理合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie) 亦早前入选了《商法》年度法律精英》名单,获评为中国市场最佳私人执业律师之一。 

如欲查看 2022 年年度杰出交易的完整榜单,请浏览《商法》网站。

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