Carey Olsen partners named amongst best offshore litigators in Asia
Carey Olsen partners James Noble, Jeremy Lightfoot and Helen Wang have been featured in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Top 10 Offshore Litigators list for 2023 – the first time Helen has been named in the prestigious list and the third consecutive year of recognition for James and Jeremy.
In featuring James, Jeremy and Helen, ALB has distinguished the partners as top disputes practitioners who have consistently exceeded client expectations in even the market's most complex cases.
Based in Carey Olsen's Tier 1 ranked (Legal 500) Singapore office, James leads the largest, most diverse offshore litigation team in Singapore and is the only Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands (BVI) admitted litigation partner in Singapore. 2023 marks James' third consecutive year in ALB's list of top offshore litigators, which this year notes that his "exceptional skill set has been recognised globally" and that his "expert guidance" complements his consistently high praise in the leading legal directories. James is also frequently recognised as one of the outstanding offshore litigators in Asia by market leading legal directories and publications and is listed as a Leading Individual for the Offshore category in Singapore in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide for 2023.
Jeremy is a partner in Carey Olsen's dispute resolution and litigation practice in Hong Kong, leading a team of eight talented lawyers. Jeremy has "built a market-leading practice that enjoys immense trust and appreciation from clients." He was recognised in the Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2023 guide as a leading individual in offshore disputes in Hong Kong and his influence "transcends boundaries as evidenced by his involvement at the United Nations in Vienna", where he provided expert assistance to the UNCITRAL secretariat on asset tracing and recovery. Jeremy is known by his clients as an "excellent strategist with first rate client handling skills" and "his experience and success have earned him the trust of clients seeking resolution in the most sensitive and complex situations."
Helen is a partner in the litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Singapore and a Full Member of STEP. ALB praises Helen's "strong reputation, particularly among Mainland Chinese clients and Mandarin-speaking clients from other locations such as Malaysia and Taiwan." She has also been recognised as a Rising Star in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide for 2023 and featured in the ALB's Offshore Client's Choice List for 2023. Helen's clients commend her as an "astute, strategic litigator" whose advice is "quick, to the point and spot on", making her "the ideal choice to advance Carey Olsen's litigation offerings in Singapore and beyond", according to ALB.
This news follows James' and Helen's recent recognition in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Offshore Client Choice List for 2023.
凯瑞奥信合伙人詹诺倍 (James Noble)、 赖晋美 (Jeremy Lightfoot) 和 王怡佶 (Helen Wang) 成功获选2023 年《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business,以下简称 ALB) 10 佳离岸诉讼律师榜单。这是王怡佶律师首次入选这一著名榜单,而詹诺倍律师和赖晋美律师则连续第三年获此殊荣。
在榜单中, ALB 将詹诺倍律师、赖晋美律师和王怡佶律师这三位合伙人评为顶级的争议解决律师,即使在应对市场上最复杂的案件中,他们的表现也始终超出客户预期。
詹诺倍律师在凯瑞奥信《法律 500 强》排名第一的新加坡办公室领导新加坡最大及种族最多样化的离岸诉讼团队。詹诺倍律师是新加坡唯一持有开曼群岛和英属维尔京群岛(BVI)律师执业资格的诉讼合伙人。2023 年是詹诺倍律师连续第三年荣登 ALB 顶级离岸诉讼律师榜单,今年他以“卓越的技能在全球范围内得到认可”及凭借他的“专业指导”在知名法律名录中一贯获得高度评价。詹诺倍律师多次获市场上知名的法律名录和刊物列为亚洲杰出离岸诉讼律师之一,并在2023 年《亚太法律 500 强》指南中的新加坡“离岸律师”类别勇夺 “领先律师”称号。
赖晋美律师是凯瑞奥信香港争议解决和诉讼事务合伙人,领导着由八位优秀律师组成的团队。赖晋美律师“开创了市场领先的业务,赢得了客户的高度信任和赞赏”。他在2023 年《亚太法律 500 强》指南中的香港“离岸诉讼律师”类别获得“领先律师”称号。他的影响力“超越了国界,他在维也纳联合国的参与就是证明”,他在那里为联合国国际贸易法委员会 (UNCITRAL) 秘书处提供了资产追踪和追回方面的专业协助。赖晋美律师被客户誉为“拥有一流客户应对技能的卓越战略家”及“对于寻求解决最敏感且复杂案件的客户而言,其经验和成就为他赢得了信任”。
王怡佶律师(信托及遗产执业人员 (TEP) )是凯瑞奥信新加坡诉讼、破产和重组业务的合伙人,也是 STEP(国际信托及资产规划学会)的正式成员。ALB 称赞王律师 “声誉卓著,尤其受到中国大陆客户以及来自马来西亚和中国台湾等地的普通话客户的好评” 。她还在2023 年《亚太法律 500 强》指南中荣膺“后起之秀”称号,并入选了 ALB 2023 年“客户首选离岸律师榜单”。ALB 称,王律师的客户赞扬她是一位“精明、有策略的诉讼律师”,其建议“迅速并恰到好处”,这使其成为“推进凯瑞奥信新加坡及其他地区诉讼服务发展的理想人选”。
在此之前,詹诺倍律师和王怡佶律师近期还入选了 2023 年《亚洲法律杂志》的“客户首选离岸律师榜单”。