Carey Olsen Singapore ranked Tier 1 for third consecutive year by The Legal 500
荣誉|凯瑞奥信新加坡办公室连续第三年入选《法律 500 强》第一梯队
Carey Olsen Singapore features as one of only two offshore law firms in Singapore to be classed as Tier 1 for the third consecutive year in The Legal 500 2024 Asia Pacific Guide, with more Carey Olsen lawyers ranked than any other offshore firm.
凯瑞奥信连续第三年入选 2024 年度《法律 500 强》(The Legal 500) 亚太地区法律指南榜单的第一梯队,是新加坡仅有的入选该榜单的两家离岸律师事务所之一。在新加坡,入选今年的榜单的凯瑞奥信律师人数更超过其他任何一家离岸律师事务所。
Carey Olsen was praised by Legal 500 for maintaining a "dominating presence in Singapore’s offshore legal market, consistently demonstrating its full service capabilities when providing the complete range of services including banking and finance, funds, corporate, private wealth, insolvency, trusts and dispute resolution."
Managing partner Anthony McKenzie, Asia litigation head James Noble and principal Tom Katsaros have once again maintained their place as 'Leading Individuals'. In addition, partner Helen Wang has been promoted to a 'Next Generation Partner' whilst counsel Kate Lan has joined counsel Amelia Tan in the 'Rising Stars' category.
In client feedback, Anthony was recognised as “responsive, commercial” with an “excellent team” and Tom was celebrated as “the primary contact in the jurisdiction for investment fund work”. Carey Olsen Singapore's dispute resolution practice, which is the largest and most diverse offshore litigation team in the Singapore market, was endorsed as "the A-Team of all offshore practices operating in Singapore today", lauded as "the best of the best" and with a "stellar array of candidates" from across the Asia-Pacific region.
James was applauded for possessing the "rare combination…of great legal insight, great leadership skills and a frightening eye for detail". Helen was praised as being "particularly excellent". Amelia was commended for being "utterly dependable" and "meticulous in her preparation" and Kate was described as "a determined fighter for her client's interests…formidably talented and hard working".
Carey Olsen is now one of the largest offshore law firms in Asia and has substantive offices in each of Singapore and Hong Kong SAR. The firm's Asia team most recently achieved its strongest rankings to date in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024 Guide and has more partners ranked in the 'Offshore: Dispute Resolution' category than any other firm. The team's fintech and blockchain practice in Asia has also been recognised as one of the best in the market, achieving the position as the only offshore law firm recognised in this industry sector category.
《法律 500 强》称赞凯瑞奥信“在新加坡离岸法律市场中占据主导地位,在提供银行和金融、基金、公司、私人财富、破产、信托和争议解决等领域的服务时,始终展现出全方位的服务能力”。
管理合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie)、亚洲诉讼主管詹诺倍 (James Noble) 和基金总监康霆慕 (Tom Katsaros) 蝉联“领先律师”称号。此外,合伙人王怡佶 (Helen Wang) 晋升为“明日之星”,两位资深高级律师蓝慧姗 (Kate Lan)和陈静仪 (Amelia Tan) 则跻身“后起之秀”行列。
在客户反馈中,麦安腾律师凭借“响应迅速、拥有商业头脑”的赞誉获得认可,其领导的团队也被评为“优秀团队”,而康霆慕律师则被誉为“在该法律司法管辖区(新加坡)投资基金工作的主要联系人”。凯瑞奥信新加坡办公室的争议解决业务部是新加坡市场上规模最大、人种性别最多样化的离岸诉讼团队,被评为“当今在新加坡运营的所有离岸业务团队中的 A 级团队”,并被誉为“精英中的精英”,拥有来自亚太地区的“明星候选人阵容”。詹诺倍律师因其“难得的结合了卓越的法律见解、出色的领导能力和对细节的敏锐洞察力”而获得赞誉。王怡佶律师因“出类拔萃”而获得赞誉。陈静仪律师因“非常值得信赖”和“准备工作一丝不苟”而备受赞誉,蓝慧姗律师则被誉为“为客户利益坚定奋战的斗士……才华横溢、工作勤恳”。
目前,凯瑞奥信是亚洲最大的离岸律所之一,在新加坡和香港特别行政区均设有规模可观的办公室。本所的亚洲团队最近也在2024 年度《钱伯斯》亚太法律指南中荣获迄今为止最高的排名,入选“离岸:争议解决”类别的合伙人人数更超过其他任何一家事务所。本所的团队在亚洲的金融科技和区块链业务也在《商法》卓越律所大奖中被公认为是市场最好的业务之一,是该行业类别中唯一一家获得认可的离岸律师事务所。