Carey Olsen lawyers achieve 31 individual rankings in The Legal 500 Caribbean 2025
凯瑞奥信在 2025 年度《法律 500 强》加勒比地区法律指南中荣获 31 项个人排名
Carey Olsen lawyers have secured 31 individual rankings in the 2025 edition of The Legal 500 Caribbean, including 18 'Leading Partner' rankings, 10 'Next Generation Partner' rankings and three 'Leading Associate' rankings.
凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 律师在 2025 年度《法律 500 强》加勒比地区法律指南中荣获 31 项个人排名,其中包括 18 项“领先合伙人”排名、10 项“明日之星”排名和 3 项“领先律师”排名。
Carey Olsen lawyers have secured 31 individual rankings in the 2025 edition of The Legal 500 Caribbean, including 18 'Leading Partner' rankings, 10 'Next Generation Partner' rankings and three 'Leading Associate' rankings.
Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited has achieved its strongest rankings to date in the 2025 guide, having secured two new Tier 1 rankings in Corporate and Commercial and Insurance/Reinsurance while also maintaining its Tier 1 rankings in Dispute Resolution; Regulatory and Compliance; and Trusts/Private Client. The team also attained four new 'Leading Partner' rankings. Clients have said that the team's "unwavering availability and forward-thinking strategies to mitigate risks are truly exceptional", noting that they "stand out for being highly collaborative, solutions orientated and for being able to develop long-term trusted adviser relationships".
Carey Olsen (BVI) L.P. continues to be ranked in Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, Corporate and Commercial; Dispute Resolution; Investment Funds and Regulatory and Compliance and its lawyers have secured four individual rankings. Praised for their "high-quality, client-focused services" and "exceptional team" which goes "from strength to strength", clients have named the team "one of the most formidable teams on Tortola".
Carey Olsen Cayman Limited has this year earned a new Tier 2 ranking for Real Estate, while also ranking in Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, Corporate and Commercial; Dispute Resolution; Investment Funds; Regulatory and Compliance and Trusts/Private Client. The team has been described in client feedback as "super responsive and very technical. The best in Cayman". Another client commented that their "sharp, commercially minded" approach "combined with their deep experience working alongside leading US law firms and venture capital firms" means "we would never consider sending our work elsewhere".
Carey Olsen has also been recognised as a Tier 1 'Leading Firm' for Foreign-Based Expertise, with six partners achieving Leading Partner rankings and one partner named a Next Generation Partner, which is testament to the firm's strong Caribbean knowledge and expertise outside the Caribbean region.
Leading Partners
Bermuda – Matthew Grigg (Banking, Finance and Capital Markets and Corporate and Commercial); Steven Rees Davies (Corporate and Commercial); Keith Robinson (Dispute Resolution and Trusts and Private Client); Gavin Woods (Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, Corporate and Commercial, Insurance/Reinsurance and Regulatory and Compliance)
BVI – Alex Hall Taylor KC (Dispute Resolution)
Cayman Islands – Sam Dawson (Dispute Resolution); Jarrod Farley (Investment Funds)
Foreign-Based Expertise – Jasmine Amaria; Richard Brown; Jeremy Lightfoot; Anthony McKenzie; James Noble; and Michael Padarin
Next Generation Partners
Bermuda – Ashley Fife (Trusts/Private Client); Kyle Masters (Dispute Resolution and Regulatory and Compliance)
BVI – Elizabeth Killeen (Corporate and Commercial and Regulatory and Compliance); Simon Hall (Dispute Resolution)
Cayman Islands – Bernadette Carey (Trusts/Private Client); Peter Sherwood (Dispute Resolution); Dylan Wiltermuth (Banking, Finance and Capital Markets)
Foreign-Based Expertise – Matthew Watson
Leading Associates
Bermuda – Stephanie Bernard (Trusts/Private Client); Laura Kearns (Trusts/Private Client)
Cayman Islands – Graham Stoute (Trusts/Private Client)
A full breakdown of Carey Olsen's rankings is available via the firm's respective Bermuda, BVI and Cayman Islands profiles on The Legal 500 website.
Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited is a company limited by shares incorporated in Bermuda and approved and recognised under the Bermuda Bar (Professional Companies) Rules 2009. The use of the title “Partner” is merely to denote seniority. Services are provided on the basis of our current terms of business, which can be viewed at: www.careyolsen.com/terms-business.
凯瑞奥信百慕大有限公司 (Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited) 在 2025 年度指南中取得了迄今为止最有实力的排名,在企业和商业以及保险/再保险领域获得了两项新的第一梯队排名,同时在争议解决、监管与合规,以及信托/私人客户领域保持了第一梯队排名。该团队还获得了四项新的“领先合伙人”排名。客户对该团队的评价是,“在自始至终及时响应,以及采用具有前瞻性的策略来缓解风险方面表现确实非常出色”,并指出,该团队“凭借紧密协作、以解决方案为导向,以及能够建立长期值得信赖的顾问关系脱颖而出”。
凯瑞奥信(英属维尔京群岛)有限合伙企业 (Carey Olsen (BVI) L.P.) 再一次在银行、金融和资本市场、公司和商业、争议解决、投资基金,以及监管和合规领域获得排名,其律师团队也获得了四项个人排名。该团队凭借“客户至上的高质量服务”以及“实力不断增强”的“卓越团队”而备受赞誉,客户称该团队为“托托拉岛上实力最强大的团队之一”。
凯瑞奥信开曼群岛有限公司 (Carey Olsen Cayman Limited) 今年在房地产领域获得了一项新的第二梯队排名,同时在银行、金融和资本市场、公司和商业、争议解决、投资基金、监管和合规,以及信托/私人客户领域获得排名。客户对该团队的评价是,“响应极为迅速,非常专业。是开曼群岛的最佳团队”。另一位客户给出的评价是,该团队采用“商业嗅触觉敏锐、商业眼光独到”的处事方式,“再结合他们与美国领先律所和风险投资公司合作的丰富经验”,所以“我们绝不考虑把我们的工作交给其他律所”。
在亚洲地区,香港办公室的管理合伙人彭德贤 (Michael Padarin) 和合伙人赖晋美 (Jeremy Lightfoot) ,以及新加坡办公室的管理合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie) 和亚洲诉讼、破产和重组业务主管詹诺倍 (James Noble) 在外国专业知识类别下获评“领先合伙人”。
凯瑞奥信所获排名明细可在《法律 500 强》网站上查阅。